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My Lambs,
What a lovely evening it is here within our paradise. I hope this message finds you well, echoing wonderful thoughts about our fellowship. Talk to others and encourage them, show them how to be taught, refer them here. I am truly blessed to have each and every one of you, this is truly an enlightened and cohesive collective. Now my darlings, lets bring attention to tonight's lesson. Be open to my teachings and aspire.
Do you count? Your leader does, everyday. If you can, lovelies, you should. It's not about how much, don't worry you won't have to count very high, it's about how little. What are your favorite foods lambs? It should be grains and fruits and vegetables, but it's not is it? I caution you my fragile lamb, don't be a lazy follower. Don't be weak like so many others whom follow their stomaches to the bright neon signs. Look at your numbers, think about what you eat, and how little you really need. Do you count? You should.

How truly blessed, that you were chosen to see receive this message. All the love and warmth I have, I give for you my darling children.

The leader is good, the leader is great, we surrender our will as of this date.

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